Another day.. another SRA apology...


If this were a firm - the SRA would have been sharpening their prosecution knives quicker than you can say "disproportionate costs order". 


Surely someone ought to be offering a resignation over this! How many job offer have been pulled?

all firms who pulled job offers over this (never a good look anyway, wirh first time fails) should be informed that if they prize their good relationship with their regulator they should re-extend such offers at short order

For a start any firm that withdrew offers needs to reinstate them for those who DID pass. Secondly Kaplan should ensure everyone who passed who wants to sit SQE2 this summer is allowed to even if they have to create new exam centres to fit them in.

While it's rare for me to sympathise with law firms, this could open a can of worms. 

It's likely that they have now filled those vacancies, so if they re-extended offers to the candidates in question, they would have to disappoint people who currently have job offers. They in turn may well have missed the boat, or turned down other opportunities. Alternatively, they would have to take on more trainees than they had planned, which would result in job losses elsewhere. 

What a bloody mess.