Can't wait, m8s! 

Dragon's Den as a warm up too.

I dont think anyone in the country could conceive how anyone would pay £13 for a mini cheese cake could they?   I think the buyers got a bit carried away by the cameras....

Hehe, Sails even has to argue with me over the price of cheesecakes - these were mini single cheesecakes - about 4 mouthfuls, not served in a sit down restaurant setting but supplied in bulk for a co-operate event.

Kimmy I dont think they would do that as the chances of a leak would be too high and while the show is more entertainment than real with all sorts of manipulation something that obvious if it got out would really undermine it for very little actual gain.  Truth is even Sugar and his side kicks were shocked at how much they paid.

you're probably right, guy - I didn't see the cheesecake episode but there have been many similar eps in the past where you think why tf would anyone pay that much to buy that rubbish thing from those idiotic people.  

Sailo's obvious wrongery aside, I do remember once going into Paul to buy cakes to celebrate my own birthday* and being absolutely gobsmacked by how much they gouged me.


*what a stupid fooking tradition that is, I dont even fooking  like cake

Havent seen it for a while but tonight’s was….unbelievable.

Week 6 or 7 isnt it? And yet a candidate in there completely away with the fairies, so not right in the head the others didnt even have the heart to lay into her. Fired practically the moment she set foot in the boardroom.

I’m in love with Flo.

I’m starting to sense the producers mess around even more than I suspected as I’m sure at the start they included footage of one candidate who has already been fired doing a task that hasn’t happened yet.

There was a glorious moment last night when the losing team sought market feedback on their (terrible) logo: “It looks like it’s been designed by children”.

Has to be the last word on every task of every series of The Apprentice, like, ever.

The dreadful candidate who got binned on the bounce last night has attracted heaps of abuse on the socials, inevitable really, but turns out she is only 22 years old. I feel sorry for her that she had no one in her friends or family who said, look, just dont go on, give it a few years.*

* although maybe she did. The task would turn on an advertisement; when told by one of her team members that he had a degree in advertising, the hapless PM did the opposite of everything he advised.

remember when the Apprentice started and in the 1st season they were all quite impressive people

Then the producers decided to dumb it down hard and pick absolute morons, pointless to watch at that point imo

I do enjoy DD, who was the lady that couldnt be arsed to do the whole show yesterday?