Aubrey Plaza Awareness Course (APAC)

Ladies wanting any form of cosmetic surgery should first be required to take a course in why Aubrey Plaza is irresistible. Most won’t bother going under the knife when they understand this properly. The breast implant industry will be particularly badly affected. 

Zulu QC 15 Apr 24 23:33

Ladies wanting any form of cosmetic surgery should first be required to take a course in why Aubrey Plaza is irresistible.


women don't understand or care what is appealing to guys, women are in a constant battle to outdo each other

nobody but a paranoid middle aged woman could possibly think that that weird cat face look of pulled skin and deteriorating lumpy cheek fillers could be a good look, but they keep getting it done

Most people could be improved with cosmetic treatments. Plaza almost certainly has Botox and minor fillers. Op is one of those guys who thinks he's found the secret to something because he has a subjective predilection for a "wonky" style of attractiveness but it takes a lot of time and money to look as though you didn't make any effort at all.

Eddie - it doesn't bother me particularly except that the arrogance of the male gaze is absurd

"naturally beautiful" women spend a fortune on hair, teeth, skincare, clothes

and you think you've found some amazing not like all the others manic pixie dream frot situation

the ability to improve oneself is ofc a great thing but male disdain for female beautification (even while you engage in circle jerks over the people you wrongly identify as being "above all that") is pathetic

OP, who suggests that a 39 year old woman with a basic high level of attractiveness but also no wrinkles, limited eyebrow mobility and very very even teeth should be taken as a shaming device for other women who are considering cosmetic treatments

What clergs said. We just noticed the "work" when it goes wrong but AP like every famous woman in Hollywood has spent tens, probably hundreds of thousands on it.

I'm not sure what is more ikk 

Middle aged lawyers calling people natural beauties 

Or xlergs constant stream of sexism 

Agree it's a myth blokes don't like funny people 

Agree that Ms Plaza has nailed whatever it is she’s trying to do. It’s definitely working.

Can someone please attend to Ms Clergham too. She’s gone an odd shade of green on this thread. 


She's hot (in my subjective opinion). She isn't working without expensive assistance, though. And what's wrong with that she's still hot. Just don't slag off women for having work done while using a worked up example as a paradigm.