China or the US?

Me?: u first.


Neither but Chong ain’t wrong:

Ian Chong, a non-resident scholar at Carnegie China, cautioned that the survey results should be taken as a snapshot of how university-educated Southeast Asians felt during January and February of 2024.

“It’s not necessarily pro-China. It’s anti-US sentiment tied to support for Israel’s excessive actions in Gaza, and also the fact that support for Israel means the US is willing to veto and stall UN processes,” Chong told Al Jazeera.

Well done Joe Biden…….your support of Israel is making China seem more palatable and trustworthy

What Warren said ffs! 

The source of this information and the determination to assume it is connected to Gaza makes me rather less than keen to take it at face value. 


Can you be more specific about your lack of trust in this reporting Donny? Do you:

  1. doubt that Ian Chong exists?
  2. doubt that Ian Chong has the credentials stated in the article?
  3. doubt that Ian Chong’s statement re: the SE Asian sentiment towards the US is accurate at all and in fact SE Asians sentiment towards the US is higher than what’s being claimed?
  4. consider that Ian Chong’s statement may be accurate (insofar as that there is more negative sentiment towards the US amongst SE Asians) but not for the reasons he claims?
  5. doubt that Al Jazeera has even conducted any interview/research at all and that this is more likely to be entirely fictitious?

    Or something else?

If you accept that there’s negative rising sentiment towards the US even from within its own population but also from other leading Western nations over the handling of Gaza, why would you consider it to be so far fetched that the global south might take a dim view for the same reasons?