Do you ever use Satnav on a relatively familiar journey

Only to discover your usual route is not the best or quickest?

Yes to warn me of traffics problems but I find it’s not great at factoring busy traffic and the like and recommends busy roads assuming you’ll be able to drive at the speed limit.  My usual route is ostensibly only a couple of minutes longer but faster in practice.

Yes my phone connects to my car and guides me away from traffic anomalies on even short journeys. It also plays my podcasts. If you aren't doing this you're a relic. 

Satnav is shit. On the last 500m of a 150km journey it sent me 2km the wrong way round to stick to A and B roads, rather than take a single side road. Google maps is better. 

I should probably have said Satnav or similar device. I just said Satnav as shorthand for any of the apps etc. 

3 ducks makes an important point. I always thank my phone when it warns of a speed camera.