do you get enough vitamin D?

in the frozen North I definitely do not 

have been wondering about eating rollmops (again) as this is supposedly how the danes manage

but ugh

anyway thinking about monthly long weekends somewhere hot where I just exist outside for half an hour a day

yes plenty. you only have to be outside for 30 mins to get enough. apparently it's better to get outside in the morning, i forget why. interestingly vit D is one of the few vitamins where it's harmful to take too much in supplement form

it is definitely NOT rare not to get enough of it

almost every person living at the latitude of Edinburgh / Copenhagen does not get enough from october to March

yes but as above

they don't work very well because we are evolved to get it optimally from sunshine on skin

this is especially hard at high latitudes (and doubly so for those with non-pale skin)

whether its vitamin d or not, i dunno how anyone can experience the massive mood lift of a sunny day and not know that they're missing out on something over winter

Vitamin D is so important its the only vitamin your body can actually make itself. It's not really a vitamin, it's more akin to a hormone and is involved in way more bodily processes than conventional medicine suggests such as synthesis of other hormones. Almost everyone in the UK is deficient and should supplement, you should also ensure your supplement includes vitamin K2 ideally the MK7 variant as that ensures the D3 gets where it needs to in the body. There are even studies showing that large doses increase D size lol. 

In England people who go outside tend to get enough up to about October to last until the Spring when you can get it from the sun again - Scotland will not be quite so easy. It is best to get it from the sun so I usually go out between about April and October with very little on when it is sunny after lunch for about 15 minutes a day. I don't take any pills. I hardly ever get ill (seen a GP for about 15 minutes in last 15 years, luckiest woman in England but cannot say that is down to vit D from the sun of course)..