Fallout TV series question (spoilers)

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The snake oil salesman guy who is actually transforming people into ghouls

What's his motivation? He is about to kill himself until he sees a new mark then he transforms him and runs off happily. It didn't seem like the payment was the most important thing. Why does he want to make people ghouls?

Isn’t this all a rather clumsy metaphor for frontier libertarianism vs normal people?

It even has a character with no nose in spite of their face who represents the Hobbesian faction.

For a post-apocalyptic, graphically violent series in which most of the characters are killed and/or mutilated and everything more or less ends in increasing levels of malevolence, I found Fallout a pretty cheerful watch.

It would be ironic in the extreme to spend hour upon hour watching a telly series based on a computer game, always having avoided said games like the plague. A reverse capture.