lawyer job satisfaction

it's a fooking shite job mind isn't it


when you're not navigating shit from clients you're getting it from colleagues/management too


then rinse and repeat every day without respite


various articles etc about stress are pretty nailed on - I don't think there are many, if any, more stressful office-based jobs


you could do 50% of the average lawyers workload / putting up with the shit in any other office-based job and be comfortably ahead of the pack i reckon


feeling fooking bleeeeh at the moment and can't see how I can do this for the next fook knows how many years

it gets considerably easier and less stressful the more peek you have...unless you're just not cut out for it in which case you'll have a nervous breakdown by 30 and quit

it's fücking dogshït mate. what makes me chuckle is the 'hope' one feels when another similarly-dogshït job is on the horizon, just cos it means you'll leave the current pile.

AJAG tho, so I reckon one may as well coin it for as long as one can before sacking it off or getting too dependent on the cash early doors.

Sounds like you need a dose of patting mate - staves off the inevitable (and possibly ultimate) meltdown.

good luck sun.