Long term, large scale study shows, for most, ‘trans’ is a phase

And yet Warren and Cheese would pump these impressionable children full of drugs and/or mutilate them through surgery 


The study is one of the longest into the issue of gender in children - but the researchers point out it has some limitations.

For one, it looked at a mixture of children from the general population and kids who were receiving mental health care - though not specifically for anything related to their gender.

Therefore it does not necessarily reflect the attitudes of children clinically diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

So in no way relevant to kids actually receiving treatment.

Also, the table they provide shows "Survey 2" in which the majority maintained their views.  Very oddly, neither you nor the article explain what Survey 2 is.  I wonder why?    

Nevertheless, to the extent it emphasizes the findings of the Cass report, that resources for treatment trans children should be massively increased so that more nuanced care could be provided tailored to the particular needs of individual children, not all of whom may actually be transgender, then it's to be welcomed.   

It simply shows that all medical treatment for ‘trans’ minors should be cancelled and those responsible for it imprisoned for their mengele-style experiments 

I have no idea why everyone gets so worked up about this (and wish it would stop cropping up on ROF every week or so). 

If you spend any time in Thailand or SE Asia there are absolutely loads of trans people about, you can’t go a couple of days without bumping into one in a bank or market or restaurant, and they’re on soap operas and TV presenters etc, and it’s normal in their society.  

I assume as more people in the West feel comfortable living as trans people the same will happen and a lot of these issues will go away. 

Until then I wish people would stop banging on about it. 

So, as I have said, my interest in anti-trans/ gender critical activity is its value as a textbook example of peoples' susceptibility to disinformation and conspiracist thinking. It also provides a useful study for the techniques of online manipulation and propaganda used by various actors in the information war we are currently in (Things I think it's interesting to understand in general, particularly in an election year & with a range of players in the space). Obviously there are other case studies one could choose - Brexit, QAnon, COVID, Anti-vaxx, flat earthers, climate change denial, the "stolen election" and so forth. Some of which also feature the same amplification effect created by the political/ media class echo chamber there is in the UK. 

TBH I think trans activists make some incorrect claims (e.g. I don't believe they are facing genocide in the legally correct sense of the crime althought their human rights and access to medical care are without doubt under attack). Their claims however don't IMO display the classic traits of conspiracism & manipulation evident in anti-trans activity.

Thank you though helping to demonstrate a couple of traits from the CONSPIRE & DEPICT (article 1, article 2) acronyms.

That’s as may be GG but your average Brit Inhouse formfiller is scared shitless by the prospect of men in lippy scaring her kids with a real or imagined cock and somebody must pay

Isn't it? Let's add Re-interpreting random events

"The last trait involves illusory pattern perception: Re-interpreting random events and imbuing them with substantive meaning. I sent Alan Tarica the article on the link between illusory pattern perception and conspiratorial thinking because I honestly felt he was seeing patterns in the sonnets where there are none."

Sorry - not interested listening to an exposition of the intricacies and articles of faith of your particular construction of this one. 

I think there will be teething issues as more and more trans people feel able to live openly but the truth is I have no idea how Thailand deals with prisons or athletics or bathrooms or whatever because it’s never discussed and it would be strange to do so (because trans people are so normalised over there). 

Our job as a society should be to ensure that trans people feel comfortable living as they want and imo everything else will flow from there over time. 

I don't actually know anyone who has any intrinsic problem with trans people.  The issues arise when they wish to access women's spaces and I can understand why women might have concerns about that.  The problem with that is the rhetoric around trans men are men, trans women are women, etc.  That's never going to be true - they have transitioned so are not the same and so the case to recongise this difference and preserve spaces for people born women appears to be fairly fundamental.  The other main issue that worries people is transitioning and children.  It would be sensible to limit this to over 16s in my opinion.