People who can fvck off

(1) Torys.

(2) People who want me to do work when the sun's out.

(3) Wightlink.

good thread. 

  1. The Government 
  2. The Royal Family (except those with cancer, except the Duchess of York who can still FO)
  3. People who have no love 
  4. People who do not like music
  5. People who put dog poo bags in trees 

those guys I saw going about 40mph on e-unicycle scooters in Canary Wharf last week. 

Food delivery drivers who use the footpath.

People in mobility scooters who seem to think we owe them something

Deliveroo customer care


Dunno Guy, but they are always driven by scrotes with a backpack and have a 'L' plate even though I don't believe the drivers are learners. They are ne'er do wells and make no mistake.

The lawyer who just sent me his own companies internal contract template (complete with all the drafting notes and options)  and told me to just ‘fill’  it in for them.


I believe the L plates are all to do with not having done your basic motorbike training which means it's just someone after an affordable method of getting around who can't afford to do the full training to ride a proper motorbike.

you need to have a driving licence to do motorbike training, and I think that includes scooters.  People with L plates aren't necessarily those who can't afford the training, they just don't want to do it for various reasons 

they are riding a 125 on a CBT.  It's a day course and a 2 year L plate licence after which you either have to do the full direct access course or retake the CBT

There's a place in Ladbroke Grove called Artisan Eatery. So only Artisans can eat there? Or do they only serve meaningless word salads?

I want to go there just to use their shitery. 

they used to have a place that did flower shaped waffles and ice cream

loved that

the people I used to go with got married and had kids and don't do fun things like that with me any more :(

my life would be about 100% more fun if nobody had kids

either that or like the Children of Men dystopia in which everyone runs mad

The lawyer who just sent me his own companies internal contract template (complete with all the drafting notes and options)  and told me to just ‘fill’  it in for them.

This is an open invitation to mess with them. Remove all your obligations and keep all of theirs.


Eddie's weirdly focussed on improper highway usage but it's a big issue . I almost got mowed down by a Deliveroo guy who was riding on the pavement . I got no apology and he acted annoyed as if it was his right of way on what was a narrow pavement (there was a wide and empty road too).