risky - far right

no wonder everyone thinks he is such a penis 

Lollers at Crypto. The fact that you think a board of predominantly middle aged lawyers is somehow a Marxist hotbed shows just how right wing you are. 

Relentless pursuit of the far and alt right headbangers, who are very vocal, but actually quite few in number sent the centre right elsewhere. Like loyal customers of a business that pivots, they move slowly, but they do move. 

Crypto is an interesting case study of recent politics.  A couple of years ago he was a genuine right winger.     As the right wing have demonstrably ground this country into the dust, rather than change his mind, he has doubled down but moved from genuine posting to (admittedly fairly light hearted I think) trolling.  As he does not strike me as deeply stupid man, I presume he is actually going to vote Labour this time around.