RoF Text Adventure

You are sitting in your drawing room, staring at a blackbird and a robin through the window. A pigeon has also arrived. There are two empty cans of Guinness on your Chippendale coffee table. 


> a man dressed in yellow knocks at your front door asking for money. He claims to be from the Dogs' Trust. You enquire whether he has a dog. He tells you of his divorce and how he now lives in a flat. Laminated pictures of cruelly mistreated dogs. After some minutes you weary. A recollection of trusts of imperfect obligation hardens your resolve. Enough. Go. Now. 

You try to eat the pigeon. It pecks you on the nose, hard.

You undress. 

You close the door to the chugger. 

You are now naked, in your hallway, with a pigeon


You look at the feathers and blood settling on your keyboard and for a few brief moments wonder if your decision to work from home full time was the right one. 

You speak to the woman. She is ranting incomprehensibly in a thick Scottish accent. She is carrying:

  • a copy of Tolley's Tax
  • a banner which reads dOn't Be fOOLed By teH sCaMdeMiC!
  • a key

You take the key. It is gold, important-looking and you have a feeling it might come in handy later on. 

You are standing in a lane, naked, with a Scottish woman, a pigeon and a key. 

The dog begins to wretch and heave, its thorax convulses and it throws up a small sharp axe by your feet. Then you hear the pounding of very heavy footsteps coming your way. OH NO A TROLL!


The axe hits the troll in the guts and they begin to spill onto the floor. "Disgusting, reported" says the troll who storms off Northwards, stepping on several rakes as he goes.
