sabina nessa’s post mortem
The Oracle of Delphi 27 Sep 21 10:03
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so we can genetically engineer microscopic organisms etc etc

but identifying the cause of death of someone whose body was found a matter of hours after her death has not been possible, according to reports saying it was “inconclusive”

kneejerk reaction is to find this apparent contradiction in technical scientific skill extraordinary

(yes yes i know that the police probably do have a good idea of how she was killed, just can’t say, and also that this is not a contradiction at all when held up to scrutiny, it’s just the difference feels stark)

It’s perfectly normal. You often have to wait for further work (which can take months) to confirm what you see at the PM. 

The police officers attend the PM and pathologist would have given them a provisional cause (if he could find one) after. The police may chose not to release that for various reasons including to screen out false confessions.