The simple things are best aren't they?



Annoyingly they're probably my two favourite sporting activities so I'm forced to agree. 

You tried sailing sun? Dinghy racing might appeal to you. You get that "going fast round a corner and not sure we will keep it together" sensation. 



Yes m77. Just been on a bit of a hiatus after pulling off a 220 mile audax rode a couple of weeks ago immediately before going on holiday to SE Asia.

Damaged my Achilles tendon and have some numbness in one of my hands from compression (should have changed my bar tape before the ride...) but going on the club social tomorrow to check that everything still works. 

The audax took a chunk out of my rear tyre so my first maintenance task after tomorrow's rode is to fit new shoes. Gone with Pirelli P-Zero race. 30 wide, if you can believe that. When I got my first road bike a fee years back I remember the salesman telling me how 25mm was quite common and he could see it becoming the new standard. These days people are saying if you're tubeless you shouldn't be going below 30.