Veg from organic "farm shops"

Are they taking the piss or is organic veg really that expensive to produce? (eg £4 for a small bag of tender stem broccoli)  of the latter that fook for fertilizers and pesiticides or most people would starve to death.

Yes without all the modern chemicals you get a really low yield so stuff is really expensive to produce.  Lots of farmers are now selling direct to people like you because otherwise they are selling to supermarkets who use their power to pay less than it cost the farmer to produce it.

Yeah I did chuckle wryly like Chambo when clarkson was bemoaning that cheese etc for a ploughman's cost him 80 quid in his "local farm shop"

which is daylesford organic 

I never buy organic veg. Here I save about 50% by buying veg grown in china. There’s 1.3billion people there and they’re not all dying of whatever people think you’ll get if you eat a chinese tomato.

Organic yields are low, and that is one aspect of the pricing, but actually it is the cost impact on pricing of the years before accreditation is granted. To get Soil Association organic accreditation you have to submit to annual inspections, and leave your high yielding chemically-encouraged soils alone. This is a multiple whammy.  During a period of years when it is set aside or grown unsprayed you don't get the yield you got from the non-organic, nitromax-fertilised and pesticide-riven crops (so money coming in is way down), and you get a lot of blight, insect and predator loss as they are unprotected (that which you are producing is further impacted and may sell at less per weight than its sprayed version due to quality issues).  You can't call them organic so you cannot sell what you do have at a mark up but there is a quality dip so many end up selling previously edible non-organic veg and fruit as agricultural fodder and biomass.   It's a really hard investment period. Then when you have organic accreditation you embrace new costs based on inefficient farming processes (chucking heavy organic fertiliser -poo- around is slower and more expensive to carry about than high-coverage crystallised nitrophosphate where one hopper covers a ten acre field) AND you produce smaller yields. 

Sir Woke XR Remainer FBPE MBE20 Sep 21 12:55

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I never buy organic veg. Here I save about 50% by buying veg grown in china. There’s 1.3billion people there and they’re not all dying of whatever people think you’ll get if you eat a chinese tomato.


not your best ever point really, either in terms of how the Chinese are faring or what's happened to your mind since chowing down on heavy metal fruit

I don't agree with organic crop farming and never buy it.  By reducing yields you inevitably raise the price of food overall.  This has no effect on the rich who can pay whatever, it only impacts the poor.  It's particularly egregious when third-world countries do it to supply first world countries.

However, my daughter has convinced me to buy Organic animal products as that usually has a direct effect on animal welfare, and increasing the price of animal products benefits climate change.       

We looked at going organic on what we have left as you get a bit more subsidy going forward but then you have the three year transition period to factor in and the fact that once organic I can only have sheep grazing if they are also organic, etc.  Decided that it wasn't worth the effort.

Erm, it was a pretty fooking good point actually Mutto, and my mind is as sharp as ever, helped by me switching to a vocation that actually uses it, and doing more exercise.

People in China are not dying of heavy metal poisoning from eating domestically grown vegetables, sorry.