Warren: Solicitor sued for saying only women menstruate
You With The Face 22 Mar 24 10:29
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...in an employee resource group specifically set up for employees who hold a protected philosophical belief.

Just starting this thread so that you can get in early and express your opinion on this which a Court will eventually say is entirely incorrect.


On the upside, whatever deluded mentalist has brought this claim against their employer and maliciously added this woman as an individual Respondent is going to have their arse handed to them.  I hope their Mum and emotional support dog can make it to the hearings.

Warren: Solicitor sued for saying only women menstruate

I hope that solicitor does not repeat this after 31 March in any manner which can be seen or heard in Scotland

We ought to be able to state facts. The Equality Act 2010 protects against discrimination on grounds of sex as well as gender. It is very awful for women giving birth on the NHS to be presented with things ilke chest feeding etc as if half the UK is being eradicated as a group in one of the few areas only we can do that thing - give birth just to protect a very very very tiny minority who seem to be so weak they cannot cope hearing women give birth and breastfeed.

Lydia22 Mar 24 11:18

We ought to be able to state facts. The Equality Act 2010 protects against discrimination on grounds of sex as well as gender.


We used to be able to

then the conservative government started doing things like making laws that say country X is a safe place while simultaneously accepting refugees from country X because it is not a safe place

so what chance do you 

The Equality Act 2010 protects against discrimination on grounds of sex as well as gender

No it doesn't.

Sex is a protected characteristic under the Act.

Gender is not.

It is very awful for women giving birth on the NHS to be presented with things ilke chest feeding etc as if half the UK is being eradicated as a group in one of the few areas only we can do that thing - give birth just to protect a very very very tiny minority who seem to be so weak they cannot cope hearing women give birth and breastfeed.

I agree.  It's instructive that "woman" and various other female words need to be removed in various materials to be "inclusive" [SIC], but no corresponding removal of male words ever takes place.

Hopefully the claimant is named and personally penalised for costs.

The Claimant will be named either if the case is withdrawn, settled, dismissed or heard at a hearing. This isn't a case where an anonymity Order would be granted.

While I would love for it to happen, I think there is zero liklehood that a costs order will be made against the Claimant even if the individual Respondent is removed by the Tribunal (which she's very unlikely to be) or if her claim is either dismissed as having no reasonable prospect of success or at a full hearing.  The bar to an award of costs is exceptionally high ("vexatious or otherwise unreasonable") and in cases of alleged discrimination almost never happens.

That said, the expression of lawfully-held beliefs in an employee resource group endorsed by the employer amounting to unlawful harassment should come pretty fvcking close.


Otherwise typically appearing XY Males with persistent Mullerian duct syndrome possess both male and female reproductive organs and as result experience menstruation. Males born with PMDS posses male sex organs as well as uterus, fallopian tubes and cervix. Period blood is passed through their penis.  





"A man was shocked to discover he has a working womb, identified by his doctors during a recent medical examination.

The 37-year-old British man known as "Rob" (a false name to protect his identity) said he worried blood in his urine was a possible sign of bladder cancer and went to his doctor seeking medical help. According to a report in the National Post, it was then that his doctor surprised him with the news that he has fully functioning female reproductive organs. 

Rob was diagnosed with persistent Mullerian duct syndrome, or PMDS. The Genetics Home Reference describes PMDS as a "disorder of sexual development" that affects men. 

The Müllerian duct would normally disappear in male fetuses, because they produce hormones that reduce and eventually cause it to disappear. But in babies with PMDS, the hormones are not produced fast enough or correctly enough to cause this to happen. The duct then turns into a womb. None of this affects the growth of the other sex organs in the fetus, and it eventually develops male genitalia. According to reports, Rob has a fully functioning uterus, ovaries and a cervix.

"The diagnosis came as a bombshell. I've never seen myself as anything but an ordinary bloke who has a normal sex life," Rob told reporters. "It appears I could even potentially get pregnant. 

The blood that Rob saw in his urine, which he reported having experienced since his late teens, wasn't a sign of cancer. It was just his period. Rob now plans to have a hysterectomy, which he said could cause him to experience menopause.

Experts told the National Post diagnoses of PMDS in patients Rob's age is extremely rare, as most cases are detected in puberty. 

 "I hope any other man with similar symptoms will get checked out," Rob said."

Science denialism isn't actionable. It's just another indication of the conspiracist nature of believers in  anti-trans/ "gender critical" rhetoric. 99% of them are no different to QAnon believers.