What a mess… the new OJ Simpson


So relieved of criminal prosecution due to jury misconduct… Mr Lehrmann now has a civil rape finding against him. 

What a complete fook up this whole saga has been from the security guards that gave them access to Parliament House that night, to the police, to the prosecution to the jury and the court to this.

At every single stage Ms Higgins was failed.. over and over again. 

While her rapist lived large in apartments paid for by media organisations and ordered hookers and cocaine on their dime too. 

Just an absolutely disgrace 

While her rapist also leaked all her personal documents, therapy notes and text messages (obtained as part of the criminal discovery and protected by court orders) to the media as well.

As determined by the judge in this case. 


Whoever was stupid enough to get that tattoo deserves it…

Yeah this case was kind of it’s own cultural war here in Oz.

It really brought attitudes about women in the workplace, women who drink, issues of consent and how women ‘deserve it’ to the fore from some pretty unlikely places.

And there are still defamation cases to come from the Minister whose office was defiled against Ms Higgins.. for comments made about how the whole issue was handled as her employer. 


I can’t tell you how many women I know of the 60-70 year old age bracket whose views were that she was drunk and stupid and ‘what did she expect was going to happen’? 


A discussion on this topic is not complete without repeating this absolute zinger from the judgment:

Having escaped the lion's den, Mr Lehrman made the mistake of going back for his hat.