Thought your university days were the best time of your life? An amazing three years of opening your mind, broadening your horizons, increasing your powers of reasoning and consuming your body weight in cheap watered-down lager? Well, you were WRONG.

Wriglesworth Consultancy has released a turgid press release, on behalf of Laurence Simons, to suggest that university is in fact an expensive waste of time. So much so, that according to the (no doubt detailed) research, over half of lawyers would choose not to go to university at all if they had to go under today's conditions. Which would presumably mean that they couldn't then be lawyers, right?

In what has to be one of the most depressing concluding sentences of any press release guff ever, Wriglesworth writes off our the entirety of this country's world-class higher education system by suggesting that universities are nothing but a "pointless expense". Instead, students should look at AC Grayling's New College of the Humanities, which will set you back a mere £18k a year. Cheap at half the price.

Read on for the press release in all its depressing glory:
