Firms have been making headlines with the introduction of gender diversity targets. But they're still just targets. So it's nice to see that some firms have already begun to even things up. Welcome to Emms Gilmore Liberson. Here are the directors:

And here are the associates. See if you can spot the odd one out.



Anonymous 13 June 14 16:39

I really struggle to understand why this article is picking on this firm. So equally any firm that is entirely of another ethnic group or all women partnership should be targeted for the same reasons?

Anonymous 18 June 14 13:45

You won't find an all women partnership. It's time these all male organisations opened up more..

Anonymous 18 June 14 13:49

These guys deserve to be picked on. Bunch of dinosaurs. They are a new start up and there's no excuse for being so grey, white and male.

Anonymous 23 June 14 12:36

Isn't it sexism to assume that all the male partners aren't as good as female equivalents? could it be that they sought approriate female lawyers but tehy weren't as good as the males? Why does eveyone assume sexism, and then claim they want an even playing field, without knowing whether one was in place!

Ruinedlife: see this article here for the flipside:
No comments about sexism there!