RollOnFriday understands that Irwin Mitchell is being binned by National Grid.

The firm was first appointed to the energy giant's 16 firm panel in 2011. NG announced earlier this year that it was launching a review into the firms it uses, with a view to some having their contracts renewed for a further year and others having theirs terminated. Irwin Mitchell has been cast alongside the goats and will lose a stack of cash (although it's not believed that any jobs are in the firing line).

    Irwin Mitchell being kicked off a panel. How it might look.

This is the latest kick in the nuts for the beleagered firm, which lost a very valuable referal relationship with insurers LV last November. Still, at least the firm now comes up when you Google its name, so it's managed to put one of its woes behind it.

We're still waiting on comment from the firm. Read more on Friday.
