RollOnFriday has been told that seven students have failed this year's Accelerated LPC.

A source says that two of them failed BLP, one failed BLP and Drafting and four failed Drafting. He adds that "some lost their training contracts and a debate must be had, engaging the SRA, whether this amounts to fair treatment by law firms".

Hmm. Clearly this is a massive kick in the collective nuts of the unfortunate students whose glittering careers at smart City firms have now disappeared before they've even started.


And one would hope that the firms would have a change of heart before consigning them to years of paraweasling or starting all over again in another sector. But presumably their offers made it clear that the students had to pass at their first attempt. Law is an intellectually rigorous profession, it's not an unreasonable requirement, and the students agreed to it. It's hard to see what the SRA should be wading in on this.

No one at BPP was available for comment. More on this next week once we've spoken to them.
