It has, we feel, been far too long since we last showered you with website wisdom. For the avoidance of doubt, we're not saying RoF hasn't been chocka with brilliant, insightful and sometimes zany stories - far from it. We're just saying we haven't recommended a website to you dullards in a long time. This may be because Piers and Maffew realised that we were diverting valuable users away from our orange haven and delivering them into the evil clutches of 'Other Websites'. Silly us. It wasn't long before the orange whip was cracked and we were studiously investigating every seedy bar this side of the Shoreditch triangle in an effort to find something worthy of review.

If we were going to break that abstinence from website reviewing we felt it had to be a really good one. You know - sort of like when vegetarians are permitted to eat meat where it's a really nice steak. Or where you can't possibly leave the office unless it's for a really nice and expensive holiday. If you're going to break it, break it good.

With that in mind we present, for you consideration, Dear Blank, Please Blank. A collaboration by the curiously named Americans (aren't they always?) Jared and Hans who had a concept and ran with it. As concepts for websites go, it is scandalously simple: 1) come up with something witty, 2) shoe-horn it into the house format of a short note, and 3) make people laugh. If only life were so simple.

We've probably watered it down too much with that definition because there is no way something so incredibly funny and addictive could be so simple. It must be complex, mystical and, errm, flavoursome. There's really only one way for you to find out and that's by visiting the site and judging for yourself. Even better - submit something. If it's really good you might be lucky enough to get it turned into a set of letterpress cards produced by Sapling Press - an Etsy seller.
