It's been a while since we saw some solid puff from a law firm's marketing team, so thanks to RPC for the slogans now appearing on its website. As a bonus, they come in eyecatching noir n' neon.

It's a lovely sentiment. Though a more accurate version would surely be:

Leaving aside RPC's wild claim that its lawyers are saintly as well as steely, a swift google reveals that a company called Peak Potential already offers Minds of Steel and Hearts of Gold. And unlike RPC, its motivational camp in the wilds of British Columbia offers you the chance to get them by combining the success of the warrior with the calm of a wizard:

Happily they'll be no such confusion with RPC's next slogan, because it's aimed at zombies.

"All I wanted was braaaaaiiiins - but I got so much more". The other possibility is that RPC is really pushing its lawyers as cuddly lovegivers, which is somehow even more disturbing.

There are no grand claims in the final effort which, if anything, is a little too modest. In the words of one reader it represents "a real back to basics approach".

Not even "love"? The madmen must have run out of Old Fashioneds.

If you've found a law firm producing pure puffery, or just spouting utter balls, let us know.


Anonymous 30 September 14 10:21

Utter BS story ROF - this is just a law firm trying to distinguish itself from the many many others. I'll guarantee you the words were articulated by the lawyers of the firm as beng the things they believe makes them different. You make being a lawyer a real embarrassment with the "puffery" you spout.