On your travels of the internet, it's likely you've come across a little website called 'Yahoo! Answers'. The premise of this site is wonderfully simple: People ask whatever they want; Other people answer. The best answers can be chosen by the poser of the question or by other users.

See? Simple.

However, we find that it's often the simple things in life that are the most pleasurable and believe us when we tell you that there are some very simple people out there with burning questions. Unfortunately there are thousands of questions and answers each day and we can't spend every waking moment wading through them.

Thankfully, Yahoo Answer Fail is on hand to provide us with 15 minutes of guilty entertainment at the expense of others' stupidity

Apparently it spells stupidity

Laid out in a blog format and in date order, there are well over 100 pages of ridiculous questions and ridiculous answers, many of them real and not just submitted by Roffers trying to troll.

It's hard to adequately summarise the pleasures to be had on YAF. Some of the topics chosen are laughable, some horrific and some slightly sickening. Regardless of the pleasure, it's oddly addictive and in no time at all you'll begin searching though the actual Yahoo! Answers for fresh examples of the cretins out there.

It's not just the witty responses which entertain as there are some great questions that amuse with ordinary stupidity such as this or this.

However, other questions are slightly disturbing like here - though they're still hilarious like this gem.

Every now and then, there's even a testing conundrum, a paradox of human existence that should be pondered carefully like this.

These questions are entertaining, but to get the full experience, you want the amusing answers such as the sharp put down like here, the playful sarcasm here or the artistic curiosity like here.

In a summary kinda way, here are some of our favourites:

I think we used to work with at least 3 of those askers...

Any questions?
