In the immortal words of Mr Harry Webb, aka Cliff Richard:-


“We’re all going on a summer holiday

No more worries for a week or two

Fun and laughter on our summer holiday

No more worries for me or you

For a week or two”*


* Note:- you may wish to increase this to three or four weeks for certain partners out there – you know who they are.


Admittedly Cliff also gave us the profound “I like small speakers, I like tall speakers” so he’s not a total genius.


Coincidentally Tom Jones sung “Sexbomb sexbomb, you’re a sexbomb, uh-huh” but that’s not really relevant and probably should be ignored.


It’s probably worth starting off this blog by mentioning that I don’t tend to walk around quoting Cliff Richard lyrics, nor suffer from any form of Shadows-tourettes or anything of that nature. The reason for the injection of ‘Summer Holiday’ into the discussion is that we are obviously now well into the annual lull which strikes the whole of the country, as a large portion of the working population heads off for a couple of weeks of relaxation. Well that’s the plan anyway; whether the kids let you relax is another matter altogether! “No more worries for a week or two”? Yeah right Cliff. It’s well seeing you’re a Bachelor Boy.


The traditional ebb and flow of the legal recruitment market tells us that early September is one of the three main times of the year when employees consider making a move. This isn’t exclusive to the legal arena and is generally attributed to people returning from holiday, getting back to the office and deciding that the thought of spending another year there is too much to contemplate.


Although the economic downturn has seen a slight reduction in the volume of employed lawyers on the market over the last couple of years, those who practice within in-demand areas including those with tangible followings may see this as a good time to escape their present firm, knowing that they are likely to be in new surroundings by Christmas.


Whilst firms are initially unlikely to view the departure of valued members of staff as a positive it can force them to reassess the ‘fit’ of a team and whether there is a better way of structuring a department, potentially increasing the profitability of the firm. Additionally it may mean that the chance to join a particular firm is suddenly more attractive to someone working for a competitor if a key departure means a better opportunity for progression or seniority.


This is a trend which is unlikely to change any time soon, for as long as employees get disgruntled at employers the summer holiday respite is always going to allow time to re-evaluate options and to look at alternatives.


Oh, and for those who were wondering:- the other main surges in the market are around pay review time and also post-Christmas, so you  can expect some “Mistletoe & Wine” lyrics in the festive blog. You lucky, lucky people.



To discuss post-summer opportunities in your local market or to speak to a specialist legal consultant about requirements to strengthen in Q3 & Q4 call VG Charles & Co on 0121 233 5000/020 7649 9094. To have an in-depth conversation on Cliff Richard, the man and the music please feel free to contact the author’s gran.
