A law firm which found a dead body in its chimney has made the most of the free publicity.

Pest controllers were called to Moody & Woolley Solicitors in Derby to locate what they thought was a rotting pigeon after staff complained that the office smelt worse than usual and was full of flies. Instead they discovered the corpse of a suspected burglar trapped in the chimney.

But every cadaver has a silver lining. By the time the national press came calling partner Martina Longworth had recovered from her grief sufficiently to shoehorn a list of Moody's areas of expertise into her statement. Longworth told reporters "As a firm of solicitors we deal with probate matters [and] we deal with family matters including child protection, so we're used to difficult matters".

    Stay classy, Moody & Woolley

Employees who thought they were in shock will be relieved to learn that they are in fact as nonplussed by the appearance of a carcass falling on their desk as they are drafting its will.
Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 11 May 13 14:09

What is the expected standard of care in post death announcements for an evil-doer 'burglarising' locked premises? Seems fair enough really. But one suspects that dead burglars on legal premises do not a lot of new business make.