Lucasfilms - makers of the Star Wars trilogy (plus three other vastly inferior films) - have demanded that a Hong Kong company stops production of a laser which bears some passing resemblance to the lightsaber. That's the imaginary weapon from the film.

Wicked Lasers have recently started producing the S3 Spyder Pro Arctic Laser. It's described on their website as "the most dangerous laser ever created", capable of causing "immediate and irreversible retinal damage". Kids, this is not a toy.

What Wicked Lasers don't do is describe their product as a lightsaber. But the tech media has not shied away from comparing it to every Jedi's weapon of choice - which has provoked the angry response from the makers of the third most popular franchise in movie history. The cease-and-desist letter from Lucasfilms to Wicked Lasers - which demands an immediate end to production - notes "it is apparent from the design of the Pro Arctic Laser that it was intended to resemble the hilts of our light saber swords, which are protected by copyright".

    Now this is a lightsaber

In response, CEO Steve Liu commented that "the light saber doesn’t exist and is currently impossible to make according to the laws of physics...There are no connections to be made between the famous Star Wars product and our lasers".
In other Star Wars / light saber news, it was reported recently on Above The Law that the rotund chap who became notorious for his Skywalker-esque twirling of a broom on YouTube has entered law school. Now that truly is feeling the awesome power of the dark side.
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