This week Attorney General Rob McClelland announced the Commonwealth's first ever "Senior Counsel" (SC), effectively placing the title "Queen's Counsel" in danger of extinction in Australia.

The states replaced QCs with SCs some years ago and so the Feds are only just catching up. As recently as 2007, former attorney general Philip Ruddock handed out the title QC to a couple of Commonwealth silks. But in news that will be badly received by monarchists everywhere, George Witynski - Deputy Chief General Counsel of the Australian Government Solicitor - has been appointed as Senior Counsel. And not QC.

    Going the way of the Tassie Tiger

According to McClelland “this appointment is appropriate recognition of Mr Witynski’s outstanding expertise and abilities in the field of Commonwealth law.” And nothing to do with historical links to the mother country, and all that.

In terms of process, McClelland consulted with the Prime Minister (the new one) before making his recommendation for the new SC (rather than QC) to Governor General Quentin Bryce. And thus it was the Queen's own representative who rubber-stamped the quiet revolution.

QC or not QC? No longer a question.
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