Kudos to the designers responsible for the website of Florida-based law firm Bryant Miller Olive (note: that's Bryant Miller Olive) with its subtle subliminal messaging.

With a snappy tagline ("Our name is easy to remember. Our work is hard to forget") and beautifully-illustrated attorney profiles, the firm has much to offer the casual web browser. But the site's landing page is the highlight, featuring photographs of situations in which the firm's expertise may be required and, of course, an enormous olive.

    The deal's completed. Let's celebrate with a massive olive.
Hard a starboard! Olive dead ahead.
    Construction worker flattened by enormous olive
Careful sir! Mind that olive.
    An olive relaxing on the steps of a court, yesterday.

Excellent work by all involved; more firms should try this word association thing out. But not Allen & Overy or Moon Beever.

If you've spotted a similarly excellent law firm website, please do send it in here.

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