A Weil Gotshal associate has released a video to mark his forthcoming nuptials. And it is a total train wreck.

By day Bambo Obaro is a mild mannered litigation associate in Weils' Silicon Valley office. But by night he is a gangsta. Or at least he thinks he is. His marriage to Janice Jentz, a family lawyer, has been named the "Boss Wedding" by the couple. And it is celebrated on the website www.bosswedding.com (and on abovethelaw) with a video showing Obaro stepping out of his helicopter and into his BMW wearing shades and a DJ (with a clip-on bow tie: money can't buy you class Bambo).

Obaro heads to the only nightclub in San Fran which permits smoking, to be filmed with a phat cigar, some thin women and his paramour Jentz, who buggers about with her makeup and a toy dog. It makes Ayesha Vardag look like a rank amateur.

    Bambo's Helishizzle

    Brrapp brrapp

    You use a match, not a lighter Bambo

    Bambo is admired.

    Bambo's bitch. And his fiancée
No one from Weil could bring himself to comment.
Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 11 April 14 09:14

I love it! Good on him n her for having fun with their wedding plans.

Pah in the general direction of anyone who feels superior over a madly daft vid like that one.


Anonymous 11 April 14 13:55

Is it me or are those helium filled condoms in the video?

Suspect he blew the budget on the helicopter and couldn't afford actual balloons. Classy.

Anonymous 11 April 14 23:49

Maybe they're not taking themselves quite as seriously as the person who wrote the article. Just a thought.....

KingMup 13 April 14 17:47

Train wreck?!? This is genius and very well shot etc. Wouldn't look out of place on MTV. Good work fella!

Anonymous 14 April 14 14:21

That's a quality vid. It doesn't say exactly when the invites are being sent out, does anyone have theirs yet?

Anonymous 15 April 14 12:27

So transparent how some people are hating this because it makes them feel jeaous that al they got was an underwhelming civil ceremony on a grey Saturday morning in a soulless registry.