A lawyer has become the poster boy for a personal trainer after transforming his doughy body into a rock-hard temple.

Guy Setford, partner and founder of Surrey-based Setfords Solicitors, appears dapper, clean-shaven and also fully-clothed in his firm profile.

     Under wraps

But he can also be viewed in his underwear on the website of personal trainer Loukas Beardwood as a before, during and after poster boy.

Dave hated the other triplets

The shots show the partner has transformed his pale moobs and floppy tummy into an intimidating array of muscles and spray tan. In an accompanying testimony Setford says, "four months later and at the age of 38 I am in the best shape of my life". He added "I have lost over a stone of body fat", not to mention his dodgy blue camouflage pants.

Setford joins a growing band of lawyers suffering from a clothes allergy. Unfortunately RollOnFriday was unable to reach Setford to ask him about his transformation, what happened to his trainers or why he hired a Morgan Freeman soundalike to record a greeting for people who call his firm (try it, it's great).
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