You'd think that law firms would learn. Making videos just isn't a good idea. Over the past few months, RollOnFriday has had the delight of reviewing - amongst others - the Von Kennedy Family Singers and the thrilling goings on at the Birmingham Law Society AGM. Plus - of course - there'll always be Allen & Overy's The Deal, which made the average porno movie look like Citizen Kane.

The latest movie taking the legal world by storm comes from Lightfoots LLP of Thame, Oxfordshire.

It's obvious very helpful to their clients to have legal news presented via the internet. Lots of firms provide legal updates. But generally in the form of a brief article. Not - although the web 2.0 idea is admirable - through a flashy corporate video. Here it is:

Sadly - as you'll see - Lightfoots' execution doesn't quite match the high-falutin' concept. Essentially, the video looks like a hostage video. Fortunately our hero - one Ian Norman - isn't dressed in orange boiler suit and shackles, and his background is of a thin office wall, not a cave. But one really might hope that your average law firm could afford to film its legal update videos on a camera not attached to a mobile phone. Especially if it's going to make such videos available for clients and link to them on its otherwise rather nice website. Still, it's probably difficult to make the Mortgage Repossession (Protection of Tenants etc.) Act 2010 look or sound interesting.

If you've seen a dodgy video you think the rest of the legal community would enjoy, send it in here. Along with anything else which you think will make RollOnFriday laugh or cry.