Birmingham Law Society has released a video of its AGM. And RollOnFriday has watched it, so that you don't have to.

RollOnFriday sank into the office settee - popcorn in one hand, other fist in mouth - to watch the excitingly-titled Birmingham Law Society AGM. The beginning doesn't disappoint. Dramatic music, exciting words flashing across the screen. One Region. One Profession. One Voice. One Ring to rule them all. The music swells. Great Ridley Scott, it's the 191st Annual General Meeting. Held at the Wragge & Co offices, the Kodak Theatre of the midlands. The words fly towards the viewer. Perhaps this is in 3D. Like Avatar, only shite.

And then the feature starts. Cheerful music plays - it sounds like the GMTV theme. The scene: a large room, packed to the rafters with at least 25 people, many of whom must have stumbled in by mistake. Either that, or there were free tea and biscuits on the door. We pan along a line of bored stiffs in suits, dying slowly.

Enter stage front - your star - Bernard Shepherd (outgoing president). He speaks. It's hardly "I have a dream". More along the lines of: this time last year, we thought the Law Society was going to have to shut down after a loss of £174,000 (perhaps the large golden chain you wear could explain this, Bernard). He's steadied the ship though, and the crowd roars with approval (just like in Spartacus).

    Bernard modelling the Birmingham Law Society's annual deficit.

Then suddenly, the editors decide that his oration has become just too painful. The music roars back in, drowning out Bernard (to general relief). Messages begin to run along the bottom of the screen thanking various civic dignitaries.

Finally, Bernard finishes, sphincters unclench. Prizes are awarded - the first to a set of cadaverous gentlemen who have been on the Roll for 50 years. James Stanier wins the Gold Prize (for what, RollOnFriday wonders - sitting through meetings of the Birmingham Law Society?).

A change of tone as the climax is reached. The music wigs out - all (synthetic) electric guitars and drums. The time-honoured handing over of the golden necklace. New president Dean Parnell (who has his own YouTube video here) takes on the crushing yoke. He sermonises. "I do not believe that most of our members have any idea of the important work our committees do."

Well, getting that important work on YouTube could be exactly the kind of publicity you need, Dean.

Everyone rushes to the bar.
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