Another week, another BPP screw-up. RollOnFriday has been told that manuals produced by the law school are riddled with errors.

The handbook for "Professional Conduct and Regulation" is so jam-packed with mistakes and non sequiturs that BPP has had to issue multiple corrections on its website. Which is hardly the most infallible of resources at the best of times.

RollOnFriday's sources picked out some gems, including "if a communication is not a real time communication, it is a non-real time one". Well, durrr. And students are invited to correct their handbook because, helpfully, "none of the answers for question 1 of Chapter 7 are correct".

To compound matters, insiders claim that some of the corrections themselves are not correct. It seems the constant amendment of the course manual is full-time job. So good luck in those exams.

    BPP yesterday 

Meanwhile Katie Best, director of MBA Programmes at BPP, has welcomed the description of the institution as a "sausage factory". To Katie, claims Times Higher Education Supplement, sausage factories are "highly efficient, rational places that make money by providing consumers with a product they desire". So not just warehouses full of machinery grinding pigs' earlobes into dubious meat-based products.

Bursting with hubristic pride, she continued that "we take such a careful look at everything we produce that our professional reputation and quality standards are very high and never neglected". Hmmm. Like LPC manuals, sausages are one of those things you should never see made.
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