Poor Adele

Poor girl is devastated.

All these folks being nasty to her don’t recognise a true victim when they see one.

I was just too distracted by those nails!

Now I know she probably doesn't have to do household chores, but she does have to do personal stuff and they must get in the way and be unhygienic. 

Struggle to see why she can't just stand at the front with a microphone and sing. Isn't her whole thing the singing? She's not Beyonce.

Maybe the colour changing light broke.

She is an entertainer who’s biggest draw is her voice. Put a spot light on her, give her a stool, some simple acoustics and sing some songs. Include more audience participation and answer questions, do request etc. Don’t cancel so late in the day when people have incurred costs and huge effort to come and see you. That’s her ego - because it isn’t the show she wants or maybe how she wants to be seen.