Keen roffers will recall that BPP Vice Chancellor Carl Lygo's website made it into the headlines last year. Refreshingly unburdened by self-deprecation, Lygo's website is basically a vast shrine to its author, setting out his achievements in granular detail ("I attended Richmond Hill School (Primary/Juniors), Hungerhill Comprehensive School (leaving with 9 "O" levels and 5 CSE's) and completed 3 A levels in Economics, History and Law at Doncaster College").

    "But enough about me, as it's now Thursday."

Happily, in order to better spread the word of Lygo, he ventured on to Twitter. Initially, it wasn't amazing. Most of 2013 saw him retweeting BBC headlines. But now he's got the hang of it, it seems, and has even learnt to lull followers into a false sense of security before ambushing them with a dose of Lygo. Take this tweet:

Interesting story, eh? I wonder what it's about. Bieber, immigration, maybe justice reforms -

Ah. Well played, sir.


Anonymous 10 January 14 14:34

My company firewall blocked his website on the grounds of:


Category: adult-and-pornography

What the hell is on there?!