Egyptian firm Zulficar & Partners wins this week's niche award for the most dramatic introduction to a legal website. You can view the opening credits here, but you'll need to close the office door and crank up the sound to appreciate it in all it's cinematic glory.

The firm's practice areas flash up on the screen to a rousing film score composed by Hans Zimmer the IT bod with the office synthesiser and a love of all things Ridley Scott.

After building tension, the expectation is that the website will feature Delta Squad-esque lawyers jumping from helicopters in war-torn regions, or perhaps clad in tunics and spearing tigers to meet an important deadline.

But instead we get this: 

  Not all heroes wear camo paint 

The budget seems to have been used up on the introduction, with no money left for Josh Harnett to set up a defensive perimeter in the "About Us" section.


Anonymous 22 July 15 18:57

Good job they haven't listed IP as a specialism, seeing as the intro music is ripped out of Iron Man..