A lawyer seeking election to the council of the Law Society's Junior Lawyers Division has released a powerful personal statement in his bid to represent law students, trainees and junior solicitors:

Thanks to @RichardBLaw for bringing Taylor's self-effacing limerick to the attention of RollOnFriday, even though it's not carved on a giant granite slab.

Read more about lawyers trying to win stuff using the power of rhyme:

Exclusive: Charles Russell Speechlys partner murders Adele (song)

DWF lawyer attempts to beat dog in Britain's Got Talent



Anonymous 01 June 15 21:17

Heh. I got this.

I voted for him. It was a real contrast to the other two candidates who set out boring, long statements listing stuff they've done.

Anonymous 03 June 15 13:12

Also voted for him. Didn't take himself too seriously, whereas the other two are no doubt using this to plump up their CVs before running for local council in about 5 years.

Anonymous 05 June 15 15:56

I was going to vote for him, but the end of the fourth line is assonance rather than true rhyme and that just won't do.

Still, he was immeasurably better than the first candidate, whose list of achievements included being elected class representative on the LPC. I mean, seriously, where do they find these people?!