Apple have begun taking over the world. The Beatles have finally succumbed - next stop Apple will probably absorb Google, McDonalds and errrm Wales.

But, have no fear, the fight back starts now - and it doesn't begin with Lord Sugar forming some sort of alliance with George Bush (Sr) before engaging in a public takedown of Steve Jobs (although we would love to see that rumble).

Instead, it starts with a whisper campaign highlighting the difficulties we have all seen but not dared to speak of: Predictive Text on the iPhone.

Sure, we've all been there - typed in 'anna' and instead 'bomb' came up - that sort of made sense on the old Nokias where the alphanumeric pad sent up a few suspect options for the numbers used... but, like everything else it does, Apple's iPhone took those typos to the next level.

Thankfully, collects them all together to make us feel better. Some are pretty boring and rubbish, but it's worth a look for a great afternoon-filler. There are real gems there that will have have you chuckling away for hours (a far better use of your billable time).