We long for a world where offices encourage the wearing of jeans - not just on Friday, but every day. A happy work force is a productive work force and being able to slip into our most comfy clothes makes us happy (within reason - we're not advocating they let us turn up in just our boxers and that university hoodie we've had since 2003).

Seriously though - we cannot believe how much we live in our jeans. They're a trusty friend, a cherished collection of memories (normally in the form of food stains). They are a staple of our existence which we wear every day. That said, we normally take them for granted. Shame on us.

Thankfully, we can afford to take our jeans for granted when there are producers such as Nudie Jeans thriving.

I don't want to write a comment because I feel anything I say will only detract...

From their base in Sweden (which we like to imagine as some form of ice building shrouded in darkness but filled with perry cider), the fanatics at Nudie have been invading the rest of the world clad in their stylish denim. They make a simple thing lovingly complicated with numerous styles, finishes (is that the right word?), colours and denim (from different countries). Guaranteed - you will find something you love here and look stylish in doing so.

It's also organic cotton so you're clearly a better person for buying them. I love Sweden. Cannot wait for the boss to tell us to come in Nudie.

