Wansworth is blessed with many things, but most prized amongst them is the illustrious pub The Ship which has been happily serving up ales and other joy  since 1786. No doubt Captain Jack Sparrow frequented it when he was in England (yeah that's right, we're going with Pirates of the Caribbean as historical FACT).

The pub itself has all the characteristics you'd associate with a good old fashioned boozer (and one that has been doing it's business for over 200 years); rustic charm, comfortable arm chairs, good food, great beer and a fantastic Thames-side location enabling romantic waterside drinks in the Summer (whilst surrounded by beered up rugby lads).

Jack loved seeing the rugby boys file in for a post-game drink.

The Ship is something of a landmark in Wandsworth and it's loved by its locals...in recent years the vast beer garden which is perched on the river has seen the addition of a huge outhouse which offers BBQ food on hot summer days which, right about now, we would french kiss our boss for. It's so cold my fridge has switched on to heat.

Anyway... I digress... this is a great pub with a fantastic atmosphere on the weekends - especially after a big rugby game where it fills with supporters for a post-match warm down. Don't let that put you off though - it's all good friendly fun and no doubt you'll love it here.

