Thanks to the Roffer who brought out attention round to the rather excellent and not-at-all budget website of Oman firm Mohammed Ibrahim Law Firm. Or, as the site has it, MILF. That’s right, MILF. MILF - Your True Friend and Consultant.

MILF has gone all out on its website – although the unsmiling profiles of their staff suggest that perhaps not all is happy at the firm. Still, prospective clients have nothing to fear, as the firm is sold hard with the very highest of praise. Well, at least their performance is described as “highly adequate”. High praise indeed.

Unfortunately, we’re unable to bring you any current news from the firm, as that particular section of the site is currently ‘Underconstratcion‘ [sic]. But have no fear, we’ll be checking out for updates as soon as they arrive. Just as soon as its been constracted.